The World is Your Playground…


The world is your playground…

You were put on this earth to have anything you want,
but nobody said it was going to be easy. Nothing in life
is free.

Someone paid for it, even if it wasn’t you! And this includes
non-material things.

To have what you desire requires work, persistence,
and dedication. Learning, doing, having, and being whatever
it is you want.

Often times we give up on those things because it’s the easy
thing to do.

We get the EXCUSITIS…

We fall astray in lieu of the naysayers, laziness,
lack of knowledge, or our own self doubt.

I have been guilty of it all, but will continue working on a
better me over and over again.

Why? Because I’m worth it. And you are too.

Failure is just a minor setback for a major come-up!

You are your own worst enemy and until you can master
yourself will you truly understand your importance in the

Never cease striving to be the best and then even better
in any endeavor you choose.

Practice makes progress!

How to be Successful Online


Success with an internet business is something that many people dream of, but never have the opportunity to see it come to life. Why? Because they never take the time to truly learn what the “business” requires. Internet Marketing is a true thriving business that you have to put time and effort in like any brick and mortar business. Many beginners think that setting up an online business is easy. Well it is, but it requires loads of work and time. And as Jim Rohn says, “For everything that’s easy to do its easy not to do.”

For instance…Let’s say the average person wants to start an online business. First thing they would do is purchase a domain name and hosting, a website. Check! Then purchase an Autoresponder. Check! And then find some products to promote whatever niche they were in. Check! You’re in business, right? Not so fast. You need traffic. And you need to know how to communicate with that traffic. Traffic, well how do I get traffic? Well traffic isn’t that easy because all traffic isn’t good traffic. You need targeted traffic that is hungry to acquire the information you are providing and ready to purchase when your product meets their need.

Setting up the business is half the battle. Marketing is the other half. If you expect to be successful online you must be successful in your marketing. To begin building a list of targeted traffic you must have the knowledge of how to get targeted traffic to your site/landing page, have great content, and have to knowledge to convert that traffic. It is that simple, but it is an art that requires practice. If you practice daily you will become better. Practice makes progress!

The problem is most people expect quick results and end up quitting before the ball gets rolling. Persistence is key. It’s easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going how you’d like, but keep on pressing forward and learning. Find a mentor, join blogs, forums, mastermind groups, read books that will inspire you, and never stop learning. Eventually good things will begin to happen. Just be smart about it and always focus on the long term. Good things are sure to come if you follow a blueprint.

When I began in Internet Marketing I was constantly researching things, but never taking action. If you don’t take action you will never get results. You will never be able to learn what you are doing right or what you are doing wrong. What you do wrong is positive information. It lets you know what you need not to do, its trial and error. Things really began to change for me when I found a mentor that helped me put the pieces together. I thought everything had to be perfect, but I’m here to tell you that it does not. You just have to begin and make the necessary changes as you go. Each step becomes a lot clearer and the road begins to become less clustered.  Take action and don’t give up!

Lead and You Shall Succeed

How often have you had someone talk you into an opportunity and you found that there was no one there to give you guidance? Who’s in charge here? Where are the leaders to help you understand what works and what doesn’t work? If there are leaders, why are they having me do all their testing?

Leadership is a key element to success in any venture, organization, or team. The challenge is finding a good leader. However, while good leadership can get you started, you really want leadership who will show you what it takes to become a leader yourself to create other leaders down the road.

What Makes a Leader?

While in college as a track and field sprinter I had the opportunity to lead my teammates every day in practice and competition to push them to be the best athlete they could be. As a leader I motivated and pushed them through the moments of wanting to give up pushing them to get to where they wanted to be. We achieved success through goal setting, team work, and maintaining positive attitudes.  During my time as a leader on the field I created All-Americans in my teammates, as well as myself. This was a very fulfilling experience and will always be dear to my heart. But on a much deeper level it got me thinking…What was it that motivated them the way I did? What makes a good leader?

Now there are many definitions of leadership. My definition of leadership is the ability to lead a person or group of people to the act of achieving a desired goal. Much like I did with my teammates years back. Now I believe it’s not the results a leader can get that makes them good, but the lessons they can teach to those that can eventually put them in the role of a great leader. Not all people are leaders, but all people can be leaders. It is all how you perceive yourself and the effort you are willing to put in to change. Below are some characteristics I feel make a good leader.

Characteristics of a Good Leader

  • Self-Motivated- A good leader is self-motivated because they take the time to know their inner self and what gets them going. You know your strengths and weaknesses knowing what you are capable of doing and thinking outside of the box to achieve your goals. Always pushing yourself to the limit making a conscious effort to be better than you were yesterday.
  • Vision- A good leader always has a plan and a vision. Always working towards a goal. Whether it is something small or something big goal setting is a huge part of their drive to success. A leader does not only think about themself, but the well-being and success of others.
  • Ability to Motivate- A good leader knows how to communicate with a number of different people and personalities to motivate them to get the job done. They do not lead by being bossy but lead by example, encouragement, and excitement. This person is compassionate and understands the dynamics of getting people to act.

These are a few qualities I feel like a good leader must have to be effective in their field of work. While my list is what I believe makes a good leader it is not limited to more qualities you may think makes a good leader. If you have any other qualities in mind please feel free to share.

In the overall scope of things without a real leader guiding you along the correct path it is easy to go astray and never achieve the things you want in life because you do not know how or just don’t have the motivation.  Do not spend the rest of your life in search of a real opportunity that can allow you to earn the income from home that you desire. I can show you how to overcome this and other challenges to make your dreams come true of being the leader you want to be.

Not All Habits Are a Bad Thing: Make It a Habit

Making good behaviors a habit in your life can be an enormous benefit in changing how you feel about yourself and over time how you view yourself. When making a conscious effort to change and incorporate positive habits in your life, biologically you give yourself the ability to maintain a healthier and less stressful lifestyle. Habits become automatic once etched into the subconscious and after you have done the habit for a certain period of time you become unaware that you are even doing it. Most times we often focus on the negative habits we create, but let’s take a look outside of the box and focus on the positive ones and how we can create more positive habits in our daily functioning.

What Are Some Positive Habits?

This list consists of 5 positive habits I have been working on for a while now. When I first started they seemed like a difficult task, but as time went on it become a part of my daily regimen whether I feel like doing it or not.

1. Creating a Schedule- Before I made a deliberate effort to create a schedule in my life I was lost. I didn’t really have much direction or a keen sense of where I was going. Since I have set down and made a schedule for myself my life seems to have more of a direction and a purpose now. Structure and routine gives me the ability to be able to accomplish lots of tasks in a fairly decent time frame. It has helped me tremendously with my work habits and finishing things I set out to complete

2. Eating Healthy and Exercise- I have grouped eating healthy and exercise together because they tend to go hand-in-hand. At least this applies to me. I have realized since I have started back lifting and running I make better decisions when it comes to eating healthy. I have reduced my intake of carbonated beverages, as well as lowered my intake of junk foods. The results I am seeing from the lifting and running encourages me to eat healthy to continue seeing positive results with the development of my body.

3. Developing Good Reading/Study Habits- I have made it a habit to read daily for at least 30min, as well as watch something positive. This has reduced my television consumption greatly. I probably watched up to 20 hours of television per week not too long ago. I am now down to 5 hours or less. Television doesn’t interest me as much anymore because of the non-value it offers. Since making an effort to read, watch, and surround myself with positive things my mind always yearns for that feeling/knowledge and it has become easier for me to pick up a book to read.

4. Think Positive- With the reading/study habits becoming a part of my daily routine it has encouraged me to think positively. Some habits create other good habits without you even knowing. Not much really gets me down or discouraged anymore. And when it does…a good read gets me back on track. I see myself in a much more positive light and no matter what people think or feel about me I understand that it is not my issue, but theirs.

5. Never Give Up- This habit was created because of my ability to always think positive. When you have a predetermined goal in mind and you know that there is no way you can fail, giving up is not an option. Just imagine if someone told you that no matter what you did in life you would not fail. What kinds of things would you set out to accomplish? What kind of goals would you set for yourself? I have a never give up attitude since the incorporation of some of my positive habits and I know that everything I go through is just a set up for the come up.

Not all habits are created equal, but I feel that these habits I have discussed can be an asset to your life. I feel these are good habits to have to become the person you want to be. The faster you decide to make the effort to change, the faster you create a whole new world and vision for who you can be. Focus on the positive habits more so than the negative ones and see how rapidly your life begins to change.

Find the Greatness Within You



I feel as if alcoholism, marijuana and other recreational drugs people consume serve as an escape from a world people don’t care to fathom. Or perhaps everyone isn’t asleep, but the confusion this world offers mentally carries excessive weight on our brains. For a person to discover their position in this world, it begins with self. The burdens of this world contribute to illusions of sorrow.

It was once mentioned that you have to evaluate the problems…you can’t tackle them just yet. Anyone with a cause is an ACTIVIST. It doesn’t matter what field you’re chasing. Everyone is “GREAT”, but many will die without every unlocking the achievement. Some days I have my worries. WE all ask ourselves in various ways, “What is my purpose driven life?” “What is my divine soul to do?” Beginning small builds the bigger picture. Imagine building a pyramid that will hold the scrolls of the world’s wisdom. Brick by brick you must slowly build by hand until you can build a magnificent FORTRESS. It’s the same with yourself, day-by-day building an amazing gladiator to conquer all that life entails. When your fortress is tall, strong, and impenetrable you are ready to face all challenges. Build your fortress and surround yourself with protectors…you are that fortress and even if there is just ONE person guarding the fortress, you still will be a pivotal change.