Your Actions Lead to Results


“The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don’t like to do.”

                                                                                    -Thomas Edison

I had a discussion with a friend about the importance of taking action. I explained that taking action is the most important thing a person can do when it comes to success and growth. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don’t apply that knowledge then it is useless in the achievement of anything. One of the biggest differences between the successful and unsuccessful often times is action. How many times have you heard someone express that they have all these brilliant ideas, but never put those ideas into effect? I’ll wait…

Exactly! I’m sure hundreds if not thousands of time. Many people have dreams, which is marvelous but a dream is just that until one takes the initiative to turn that dream into reality. You can have faith, belief, and goals but without any action there is no possibility of results.

We have all been placed here for a reason and quite often people never take the time to figure out their true meaning, their purpose in life. Sometimes it’s because they don’t believe they can, don’t know how, or are afraid of what might happen. Many people are comfortable where they are. Not having the courage to live up to their fullest potential. There are many people that go through life wishing and hoping they had more, but are afraid to step outside of the box to go get what they deserve because they are afraid of change. They continue to do the same things…living their lives in a rut.

Why is action so important?

I believe action has the ability to build character. Action is always positive because it changes your psyche. Action has the ability to open up your mind to things you never knew were possible for yourself. You begin to realize that things you were afraid of or felt like you could not do aren’t as bad as you thought. Or maybe you realize they are as bad as you thought, but you no longer have the doubt, thus expanding yourself to do other things.

I can remember back when I didn’t know how to swim. I would always be on the shallow end while my friends were having fun in the deep end. A friend recommended that I come over to the deep end so I could be a part of the group activities. I decided to give it a shot. Having imagined myself swimming and having enough confidence in myself to at least know how to “doggy paddle” I jumped into the deep end and literally began swimming. I would have never known I could swim if I would have never took action. After that I learned how to breast stroke, free style, butterfly, and back stroke. My actions lead to the ability to become an efficient swimmer through practice and a positive mind.

You see action has the awesome ability of removing fear and opening up your mind to a world of endless possibility. When you take action you gain experience and experience can lead to expertise. So be brave, but not stupid. Face that fear and take action now.